![]() About the Author: Kate Olson, CPC, CHt, is a Life Coach, Integrative Master Hypnotherapist, EFT & NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer and Reiki Master located in Seattle, Northern Lights Life Coaching www.northernlightscoaching.net & Embrace Change Hypnosis & NLP www.embracechangehypnosis.com. Kate offers workshops & classes, as well as, individual and group coaching. Her emphasis is on assisting clients in finding Path, Purpose and Peace. Kate focuses on integration of mind, body, spirit wellness. It is her mission to help clients find joy through connection, creative expression and change facilitation. She is passionate about creativity, travel, personal growth and enjoying life. She has another wellness-related business offering Salt Therapy, Salt Works Saltariums. Salt Therapy offers an all natural treatment solution for respiratory and skin problems. All three businesses operate as Dba's under Total Well Resources, LLC. She is also a radio show host on Contact Talk Radio, www.ctrnetwork.com/embracechange hosting "Embrace Change with Kate & Michelle". She is a speaker, writer and event facilitator. Intuition is one of our greatest gifts and most valuable tools and learning how to be aware of and pay attention to it is one of the best things you will ever learn. We know so much more than we think we do. Our senses our constantly taking into, processing and storing information and we do this on a sub-conscious level so quickly and automatically that our conscious mind has a hard time keeping up. What exactly is intuition and why is it so important for us to pay and attention and connect with it? See the dictionary definition below: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. "we shall allow our intuition to guide us" synonyms: instinct, intuitiveness; More a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning. plural noun: intuitions "your insights and intuitions as a native speaker are positively sought" synonyms: hunch, feeling (in one's bones), inkling, (sneaking) suspicion, idea, sense, notion; In his article in Psychology Today, “What is Intuition, And How Do We Use It?”, Francis Cholle, August 31,2011, defines it this way: Instinct and Intuition, as I define it, is this: • Instinct is our innate inclination toward a particular behavior (as opposed to a learned response). • A gut feeling—or a hunch—is a sensation that appears quickly in consciousness (noticeable enough to be acted on if one chooses to) without us being fully aware of the underlying reasons for its occurrence. • Intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and nonconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason. With these definitions in mind then how can we understand intuition and its importance in our daily lives and why we need to be aware of and use it whenever we can. Well, the truth is conscious reasoning only account for 20% of our brain power, while sub-conscious is 80% of our brain power. In his article listed above, Francis Cholle makes his case that we are doing ourselves a disservice if we only use logical reasoning or the conscious part of our brain in our decision making. We need both parts of our brain and its full power in order to make the best decisions for ourselves. The conscious mind works in a very linear way and is limited, though relentless, in it’s reasoning ability and resources. The sub-conscious mind crosses the dimensions of time and space and pulls information together in a very non-linear way leading to what the conscious mind can only call hunches or “information it has no explanation for”, while, in fact, it is information that has been mined, in much the same way a computer works, from your own mind’s resources Having this added knowledge accessible to us is so valuable, seen if we cannot readily say where it came from or why we think or feel the way we do. If using both our logical reasoning and our intuition can lead us to better decisions and outcomes, how can we be more aware of and access it more easily. Listed below are some ways to become more in touch with your basic instincts, intuition or gut feelings.
The late Steve Jobs said this about intuition, “more powerful than intellect.” We know the he must have relied on something beyond mere reasoning for his many innovations.
Whatever we call it or however we define it, if we can harness the power of intuition we will be setting ourselves up for better decisions and more successful outcomes. According to Carolyn Gregoire, in her article, “10 things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently”, Dec. 06, 2017 in the Huffington Post. highly intuitive people use all of the habits listed above. They also rely on their dreams, practice mindfulness, are highly observant of their surroundings, listen actively and attentively, get plenty of rest and listen to their inner voice and their bodies, tend to be positive and let go of negative thoughts easily. In truth we are all intuitive and sometimes more than we know, but the trick is listening and connecting to that “Spidey Sense”! I, personally, am fairly intuitive, however, like most people I find myself denying or trying to reason my way out of paying attention to my intuition on a fairly regular basis. I have almost always been glad when I do pay attention to my intuition. Sometimes I wish I had listened sooner and then other times I wish I had listened to those little signals while I am paying the consequences. How about you? When was the last time you had that gut feeling, inner-voice or “Spidey Feeling” about something? Did you listen and follow it? Right now, I am dealing with a quandary about listening to intuition that I don’t yet know the outcome on, but I went with it. We shall see. I am also dealing with an instance where I ignored it a little longer than I should have. I finally decided to listen and I feel pretty happy that I did. I think it will pay off big time as time goes forward. The last major instance where I listened to my intuition, despite arguments to the contrary saved me from being scammed out of a thousand dollars in a scheme that thousands of other good, intelligent and well-meaning people were taken in by. I feel blessed that my “inner voice” gave me a strong warning and I paid attention. I am getting more in touch with my intuitive side all the time and the suggestions listed here will help you in doing that to. It isn’t something that happens all at once, you just slowly start becoming more comfortable in following that “feeling” when you get it and knowing that it is what is best for you, regardless of what “logic” or other evidence may tell you.
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![]() About the Author: Geraldine Banes was born in a small town in Pembrokeshire Wales, UK, on the Southwestern-Most Peninsula of Wales, close to Ireland. From an early age she was interested in art, design & creative writing. Geradine got her education in the Art and Design field, married, divorced and then on her ownwith a small daughter, ended up getting a job with an American company, Microsoft, which brought her to America! What started out as a short-term contract job turned into a 22 year career for Geraldine with Microsoft. It was intellectually challenging and interesting work. She loved her job, and may have stayed there if it were not for a life changing event that made her reconsider everything. In 2009, at the age of 50, while on business in Britain, Geraldine suffered a heart attack. Her right super dominant artery was 98% clogged with a clot. She had a stent placed, and her femoral artery bifurcated. She was in hospital for 6 days, and not allowed to fly home for 6 weeks. With such a close call, she realized that she had to change her life. Like the phoenix from the ashes, 2010 was to be her pivotal point. She married John whom she’d met a few years back and who thankfully didn’t care that she had this major event! She already had an interest in Alternative Health, specifically CranioSacral Therapy & Reiki as she had found these modalities helpful in her own recovery. She enrolled in Massage school to learn about Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology. She found an office space and started her practice. So, after 5 years, she started to look for a place of her own. She found a very patient Real Estate broker and they looked for almost 2 years and nearly gave up. Until one day a building came up that spoke to her as soon as she set foot in the door. It was a historical building, an old bank building, with great bones. After another year of renovation, it became her Studio Beju in downtown historic Duvall, WA. Here she set out with a wing and a prayer to build a community of like-minded women practitioners who combine both alternative health and creative expression. It is a place for uplifting and light workshops, classes, & services and it will be 3years in April 2018, since the doors opened for business. Through many new beginnings & times when she thought it was all over, she has found her purpose in life! We are creatures born of New Beginnings. Being born into this world takes time to become acclimatized to our body, ourselves and the life we were born into. We learn by example, we explore the boundaries of what makes us, us. We grow. We assimilate notions of how the World is. Time passes. Experiences happen. Babyhood, Toddlerhood, Preteen, Teen, Young Adult, Student, Working Adult, Retired Adult, Aged Adult and several stages in between, until our very last day, our very last breath. We all know that last days can happen at any stage of life, but we prefer not to think about it too much. We are too busy living! Each person in their lifespan will most likely experience in differing degrees feelings of, love, betrayal, happiness (however fleeting), despair, intellectual challenge, judgement, folly, anger, remorse, friendships, breakups, boredom, lust, depression, antipathy, jealousy, and a host of other emotions too long to recant here. These emotions can either hold us back or motivate us to change & adapt. Each day that passes gives us an opportunity to grow more, or stop, or shrink down. So, what’s my point, what am I getting at? I was asked to write about manifesting the life you’d like to lead. Why would I start with New Beginnings? I started here because I realized that the whole point of being able to manifest anything in our lives starts with the concept of a new day and the opportunity that comes with a new beginning. If you genuinely treat each day as a new beginning, then you have a better chance of being open to a real new beginning! So, what does this boil down to? Mindset. Mindset is everything. Our thoughts are powerful. Thoughts alone are not powerful, but thoughts allied with motivation, persistence and the ability to create something into reality become powerful & achievable when grounded in sense. Successful manifesting happens over time, and sometimes it is not what you’d think it would be!
5 ways to manifest something good in your life: 1 - Creation. Put it down on paper, draw it, breathe life into it 2 - Hold the general outcome in your mind, consistently – don’t be too specific, just the general sense of what you are setting out to achieve. 3 - Be persistent in lightly pursuing your goals 4 - Be open. Once you have set the first 3 Acts into motion you never know where it’ll lead or who it’ll lead to. This becomes an interesting way to see what you are drawn to. 5 - Relinquish Control. Be led by a lightness of Spirit. Some of this sounds easy but they are deceptively hard to do, especially when we are conditioned to expect things to happen quickly or without much effort. We also have a strong & understandable tendency to try to avoid the unpleasant side of life. Sometimes, the Universe has a way of waking you up to the possibilities of this life and it isn’t something you’d choose at all. It is like a test, and if you survive it sometimes the greatest breakthroughs happen after such a life changing event. This usually changes your perception & leads you to understand that life is precious, that time is all you have, and that whatever time you have left you can make a difference however big or small. If you look at the people who have really made a difference in their lives, and get to know their stories, it soon becomes clear that they are living their dream despite having the cards stacked against them. So, wherever you are, whatever you are doing or want to do, know you can do it with persistence and a little help from the Universe. |
Blog By Kate Olson Kate is a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner & Trainer, Reiki Master, Energy Healer, Life Coach and more. To find out more about her or her work, click the links below:
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Living in Joyful Resilience: A Roadmap for Navigating Life's Ups & Downs & Simple Soul Thoughts : Collecting Moments of Joy www.joyfulkate.com About the Blog After 4 years of featuring at least 1 guest Author a month this blog changed in 2020. I loved featuring the posts of other great people who also believe in mind, body, spirit wellness. I will continue to feature articles submitted to me on this topic that align with my own mission. However, finding & reaching out to others is time consuming and I do it for my radio show, Soul Talks and other groups and projects and so for this blog i will be ramping up my own posts and perspective. posting mostly my own blogs. I will be happy & excited to post articles from those who submit them to me. Archives
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