![]() About the Author: Anne Logue now resides in Pennsylvania. Anne has studied the healing arts extensively. She is a Reiki Master, trained in Quantum Touch, certified Hypnotherapist, certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Healing Touch, a form of energy healing that was founded by a Colorado native, Janet Mentegen. Anne’s ties to Colorado through Healing Touch keep her connected to the community, experimenting and developing new ways of creating change and new approaches to some of life’s curve balls. Her practice is in her home in Pennsylvania and she has done workshops and healing fairs there. Anne’s father died when she was a freshman in college. One of the ways she dealt with this was through poetry, writing and art. She wrote a story about the sun, which was her way of figuring out who she was and what she was meant to do. The Story of the Sun was illustrated by Anne and is her view of life as a 20-year-old. That view still holds meaning for her and has become a way of connecting with children and helping them learn who they are and what they were meant to do. It integrates her interest and love of the healing arts with her artistic side, bringing a refreshing look at life to the readers. The Story of the Sun was published in 2017 and is Anne’s first book. In addition to her advanced certification in Healing Touch, Anne has done extensive reading and reflection, including research on quantum physics and the holographic universe. She has done workshops and research in the Akashic Records, which are the virtual records that contain all of the information about us in our various incarnations and is a resource for incredible insight and healing. Bringing all of this information into resonance and integrating it with her personal experience has created a new way of experiencing reality. Her focus now is bringing that awareness and understanding to children. She has just finished a publicity campaign to reach audiences that may benefit. Her book has been translated into French and will soon be translated into Spanish. She has written another children’s book, which will be published in the near future. I follow an on-line program called “The DailyOM” with Madisyn Taylor. She recently featured Edward Vilga, a financial specialist. The dialogue he started with Madisyn talked about detox. He said “Detoxing is a bold decision, but once you make it, you stand at a place where you can determine and create the future you desire.” This opened up a whole dialogue in my head about “detoxing”. Detoxing is not just giving up “junk food”. Detoxing means to me, facing the bad habits, negative patterns and beliefs that no longer work for me, around relationships, money, habits, everything. Sometimes we lose clarity about our lives and when our lives are in high gear, they can become cluttered and not intentional in the actions and habits we pursue. We keep doing the same thing because to re-design our lives takes some thought and work. The pay-out is a re-structured lifestyle that helps us live the life we want, instead of creating blocks and challenges. When we want to “detox” from patterns or habits that have not been good for us, we have to look them squarely in the eye and realize all the components that they encompass. One of my most significant lessons came from reading the book by Anita Moorjani, called “Dying to be Me”. Anita had cancer which resulted in large tumors throughout her body and she was brought to the hospital at a critical time. She had a “near death” experience and from that experience she learned that as we cross-over, we no longer have our identity or the limits or filters of our identity. We are no longer male or female, no longer a race, no longer from a certain country, don’t have a particular religion, so all of the blocks associated with these descriptions of ourselves are gone and we see ourselves in an undiluted manner filled with unconditional love. So, if you have cancer and you are treated for cancer, is it the drugs that cure you, or the belief that they will heal you that does the work? Love is really the only effective treatment for any of our human woes and it is delivered to us through the belief system that we can most readily accept. Anita was taken to the hospital on February 2, 2006, by February 3, 2006, she knew she was free of cancer. Her doctors told her husband, “We have a problem, we can’t find the cancer.” Her husband said, “Why is that a problem?” and the doctors said, “Well, we don’t know how to treat it.” It took until February 27, 2006 before the hospital staff acknowledged that she had no cancer in her body and she was permitted to go home. Whether we know it or not, we are all creatures of habit and emotional beings and our learning systems are hard wired to connect with our emotions. This system is on such an integral level that we are barely aware of it, and we seldom acknowledge it. When we are trying to make a change in our lives, to adopt a new “system” or eliminate a faulty or destructive pattern, we need to approach it from an emotional standpoint. Love is the greatest motivator. If we love ice cream and associate it with happy and positive memories, when we choose to eliminate ice cream from our diets, we need to find a positive substitute. I remember when my daughter was trying to quit smoking and she called me so desperate because she had so many associations with smoking. I said “Well, why don’t you just go for a walk?” And she said, “You don’t understand, everything I do, I used to have a cigarette.” We have to unlearn and relearn our habits in order to change. Yes, it was a habit, but it was connected with positive emotional experiences.
Try listening to what you are saying to yourself each day and then determine if this conversation is someone who loves you and wishes you only good. If these are not your thoughts about yourself, you can correct them. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will? As Marie Forleo says in her book “Everything is Figureoutable”, people are not failures. A failure is a short-sighed version of a longer story. If you deem an event or a circumstance, a person, really anything as a failure, it’s because you haven’t seen what happens after that event that redeems the whole situation. Look for those outcomes, figure out how this, event, person, situation can benefit you if you look at it from a new perspective. Maybe the “failure” was meant to do just that. Change the paradigm. For many years, a lot of human behavior was deemed “unacceptable” by society and so the term “in the closet” was coined. We also all know the term “skeletons in the closet”. What does “being in the closet” actually mean except pushing down all the feelings of shame, anger, worthlessness, depression, prejudice, fear and similar emotions until they are so well buried that they have altered our lives. Once they are acknowledged and someone comes “out of the closet” what happens but a turbulent cascade of feelings, releasing all of the self-doubt about who they were. Once they have the courage to be recognized for who they are, they can claim so much more and live a life being true to themselves. During the time they denied their feelings, were they worthless? No, they still could live in a manner to help others, but they were not able to enjoy the freedom and joy of knowing who they truly are. If everything is “Figureoutable” and we can re-program our thinking, lets look for the way to “detox” our thinking and eliminate the stuck habits and beliefs that create stagnant and blocked emotions. Be your own best friend and listen to the positive things you say and think about yourself!!
1/8/2020 08:39:08 am
If you want your life to change, then you need to go and detoxify your stress. I mean, if you are living in this environment, then believe me, it will never work for you. People need to go and just detoxify every now and then, it is what we have to do. We simply cannot go with our lives without having to detoxify every now and then. I am trying to tell you this, because I care about the people in our community.
5/25/2021 07:54:08 am
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