![]() About the Author: Kate Olson, CPC, CHt, is a Life Coach, Integrative Master Hypnotherapist, EFT & NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer and Reiki Master located in Seattle, Northern Lights Life Coaching www.northernlightscoaching.net & Embrace Change Hypnosis & NLP www.embracechangehypnosis.com. Kate offers workshops & classes, as well as, individual and group coaching. Her emphasis is on assisting clients in finding Path, Purpose and Peace. Kate focuses on integration of mind, body, spirit wellness. It is her mission to help clients find joy through connection, creative expression and embracing change. She is passionate about creativity, travel, personal growth and enjoying life. She has another wellness-related business offering Salt Therapy, Salt Works Saltariums. Salt Therapy offers an all natural treatment solution for respiratory and skin problems. All three businesses operate as Dba's under Total Well Resources, LLC. Kate is a speaker, writer and event facilitator. She is also a radio show host on Contact Talk Radio, www.ctrnetwork.com/embracechange hosting "Embrace Change with Kate ". I was frantically going through old boxes of treasures and mementos with tears streaming down my face. The longer I looked the more emotional I felt and the more important it seemed that I find the “The Letter”! It was April 12, 2012, my Mother’s Birthday and almost two decades since her passing. She had given me the letter along with my birthday card seven months before her death. It was an inelegant letter written in her almost unreadable tiny back-slanted chicken scratch handwriting and as I searched I was upset with myself for feeling so emotional. Why was it so important now? I knew I had kept it and I had put it in a special place where I thought I would always find it. I thought someday I would share it with my sister, as proof I think. Proof of what? Proof that Mom had loved me? Proof that I was right? Proof that I was valued? Proof that I loved her and that she knew it? Proof that we had forgiven each other? I wasn’t sure, but It was important that I find it! I knew that! I continued to search until finally exhausted, I put the boxes back together and packed them away in the garage. I was upset that I had not found the letter and could not get it off my mind. Why was it so compelling at this time in my life? I would search again when I was fresh, I thought, and find it! It was probably one of those things where it had been there all the time in front of me and I just wasn’t seeing it. I never did look for the letter again. Had I lost it or even accidently thrown it away? I would never know if the words she wrote were exactly what I remembered, because I knew it didn’t matter. I had a dream that night that cleared everything up and left me with a deep sense of peace. I realized that I would never need to find the letter and that I would never show it to my sister. It did not matter what words were written on the paper! All that needed to be said or understood between my Mother and I had been conveyed over time in an energy and knowing that was invisible, more real and pervasive than anything that could ever be put into words on a piece of paper. The letter was just a symbol of the deep understanding of the relationship, bond, learning, pain, love, acceptance, gratitude and forgiveness that had been there in that relationship between my Mother and me. I knew that the letter had failed to say two of the three phrases I had longed to hear. It had not said, “I am sorry” or “thank you”, but I knew that I heard and understood those feelings and those words in what she had written. It had said, “I love you!” This had never been easy for Mom to say or show, but she had taken to saying it often in her last couple years of life. It was important to hear and I had started to believe it and was able to say it back without thinking too much about the past. I knew that the letter had failed to say two of the three phrases I had longed to hear. It had not said, “I am sorry” or “thank you”, but I knew that I heard and understood those feelings and those words in what she had written. It had said, “I love you!” This had never been easy for Mom to say or show, but she had taken to saying it often in her last couple years of life. It was important to hear and I had started to believe it and was able to say it back without thinking too much about the past.
I knew that she understood that I had forgiven her and that I realized she had given me gifts even in the worst of times that made me stronger and better. I realized that she had been both my strength and my weakness and that we had learned compassion from one another --- so many lessons born from a journey that had been difficult, painful and very human! It was on that day and with that realization that I knew I was fully ready to be myself and trust myself. I would never again struggle with the past or wonder who I was. A weight had been lifted and I was lighter, more joyful, even blissful, in a way I had not remembered feeling since I was a small child. I knew decisions would come easier now and my direction would be clear. I felt free to be myself and knew I had a purpose. I did not just know I had a purpose; I knew what it was! It took a few years to connect all the pieces of myself that had been scattered about and pull myself into being. Reconnecting with the person I was meant to be and being congruent with my purpose opened up the doors to being able to express my deepest passions! A light had been turned on and I really loved what I saw! I knew it was that day looking for the “The Letter” and realizing it had all happened in the space inside of me and there was nothing I had yet to find,-- that was the beginning of my path to purpose and peace and feeling fully, unapologetically, proudly me! Thank you, Mom! Rest in peace! I love you!
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Blog By Kate Olson Kate is a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner & Trainer, Reiki Master, Energy Healer, Life Coach and more. To find out more about her or her work, click the links below:
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Living in Joyful Resilience: A Roadmap for Navigating Life's Ups & Downs & Simple Soul Thoughts : Collecting Moments of Joy www.joyfulkate.com About the Blog After 4 years of featuring at least 1 guest Author a month this blog changed in 2020. I loved featuring the posts of other great people who also believe in mind, body, spirit wellness. I will continue to feature articles submitted to me on this topic that align with my own mission. However, finding & reaching out to others is time consuming and I do it for my radio show, Soul Talks and other groups and projects and so for this blog i will be ramping up my own posts and perspective. posting mostly my own blogs. I will be happy & excited to post articles from those who submit them to me. Archives
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