"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system".-- Gary Craig
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, also unknown as Tapping is a self-help and treatment modality used to neutralize or eliminate negatives and limiting beliefs that do not service us well. It can also be used for elimination of pain and stress.
EFT is also referred to as meridian tapping, as it uses the acupuncture meridian points and light pressure. Its origins are ancient, but modern applications were developed by Gary Craig in the 1990''s, based on his study of the work of Roger Callahan in Thought Field Therapy (TFT). This was one of the initial studies in what is now known as Energy Psychology. Gary Craig refined EFT into simple techniques and the refinement has continued through measurable testing and studies. Gary Craig started EFT Universe, which is now owned and operated by Dawson Church. In combination with other therapies EFT has been found to be amazingly effective in yielding fast and lasting results. |
EFT Primary Tapping PointsThe link below will take you to EFT Universe and the video an introduction to EFT and it's many uses.
Hand & Finger Tapping Points (9-Gamut)The link below will take you to The Tapping Solution website and their video Tapping 101 with endorsements by many well-known helping professionals. While you can learn EFT on your own you will get the maximum benefit from a guided session by a trained EFT practitioner or learrning the EFT self-help techniques from a trianed practitioner before using them yourself.
EFT Services Offered -- Individual Sessions & Self-Help Training
Individual EFT Guided Sessions
by trained EFT Practitioner (60 min.) Single session: $90.00 Package of 3: $210.00 Package of 5: $300.00 Training in using EFT for Self- Help by trained EFT Practitioner Individual & Group (60 min.) Individual $125.00 Group of 3 to 7 $60.00 each Group of 8 or more $40.00 each |