![]() Edward Frey III is a performance-driven breakthrough coach. He refers to himself as, "The Ignition Coach". Edward is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistics Programming, (NLP is the study of the cognitive neuroscience of language), Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and Advanced Reiki Master in Sedona, AZ. Edward's passion for training and development, coupled with his highly effective communication skills, gives clients the knowledge and valuable resources to facilitate their success. His focus is to give others the resources to avoid or overcome depression and promote suicide awareness. It is crucial for him to give clients the tools to succeed, while making it entertaining and promoting ideas that will become the seeds of growth in their minds. He seeks to spread his message in corporate settings, associations, non-profits, colleges and high schools, as well as, his private practice. Edward is the owner of Ignite Your legacy, LLC. www.IgniteYourLegacyNow.com Have you ever thought about how powerful your mind is? Let’s take a moment and think about its abilities to flow effortlessly on a daily basis. Like driving your car hundreds of miles across a continent or navigating in a complex city with rules and regulations we are vaguely familiar with… Or, ordering a meal while on a cell phone (hands free, of course) driving and figuring out what song to listen to? Not to mention using the gas pedal, steering wheel and having situational awareness at any given time.
According to the renowned NLP/ Hypnotherapists Michael Bennett and Sandra Vesterstein of Bennett Stellar University our brain processes a maximum of 400 billion bits of information per second and we are only able to focus on 2000 bits of information per second. That is like going to the beach and picking up 4 cups of sand into our hands, pulling out 20 grains and that's how much information we can gather per second. Twenty grains of sand, in relation to the information we can process, is a little disconcerting. That means that what we focus on is more important than we actually realize. When we take into consideration that our sense of smell, touch, site, hearing, taste and feeling are barely anything in comparison to the overall algorithm of information and everything else we absorb at any given moment. This is a minimal amount compared to reading other people’s body language (how others see our body moving) which is 55%, tone of voice (how we use inflections or tone drops) at 38% and vocabulary (what specific verbiage we say) that is only 7%. We can add it all together and recognize we absorb more than we realize. Our Judgment vs. discernment is an integral part of our stress reduction or stress induction. Using harsh judgement toward a moment of vulnerability can easily cause us to experience trauma that is deeply ingrained into the unconscious mind causing PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) amongst many other issues. Are unclear moments or comments hypnotizing us to react rather than respond?! I’d say “yes”, hearing someone say, “you are a dummy” - a child takes it literally. It gives us a poor perspective or undesirable state of consciousness about ourselves. It could result in a month to 60+ years of making us feel inadequate about our abilities to perform anything from spelling of words, speaking to groups or questioning ourselves about helping others heal. When we know we are more than fully adequate, it takes a strong person to rip off the unneeded duct tape to heal especially when most of us have been taught that duct tape can fix almost anything. Would you like to hear more about how to navigate life without having to deal with repercussions? If so, you are in luck. I am a certified Neurolinguistics Hypnotherapist and I call myself, “The Ignition Coach”. I like to light fires under people’s butts. Are you the perfect candidate? If you would not like to move forward in your life stop reading now. I stress the importance of this… Since you are in, let’s think about the power of our reticular activating system, which is the activator of the law of attraction. This happens regardless of whether our focus is negative or positive. If we can take in 2,000 bps, why not make it for the better. If we get our head out of our butt, we can see the light that is shining upon us. Abundant opportunities verses limiting our options. It only takes one tea light candle to shed light in a pitch-black room, no matter what size the room and if we can drive a car at night with only headlights in the dark and we still see the way and navigate. Why not be the light? Our Power + Attitude = Performance. How much power you put into your focus along with Attitude (Meaning direction in a pilot’s vocabulary) produces the Performance which we apply for ourselves and our life. Just by using this equation I am giving you a gift that has changed my life. Our mind has the capability to have our software updated by making new synaptic connections and new memories. If you had the opportunity to improve your life, would you? If so, ask yourself what one of your ultimate goals is and focus on that one goal. You have the ability to take the wheel WITH your Unconscious mind. We have more abilities than we give ourselves credit for and if we hone in on our passions and desires we can create a well-formed outcome of what we want our life to be. It’s time to take the duct tape off of your mouth and be heard. And while you are at it taste the sweet nectar of life because you have the choice of enjoying opportunities. Your decisions ripple out to create your Legacy.
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![]() About the Author: Kate Olson, CPC, CHt, is a Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFT & NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer and Reiki Master with a practicing in Seattle, Northern Lights Life Coaching & Embrace Change Hypnosis & NLP. She offers workshops & classes, as well as, individual and group coaching. Her emphasis is on assisting clients in finding Path, Purpose and Peace. Kate focuses on integration of mind, body, spirit wellness. It is her mission to help clients find joy through connection, creative expression and change facilitation. She is passionate about creativity, travel, personal growth and enjoying life. She has another wellness-related business offering Salt Therapy, Salt Works Saltariums. Salt Therapy offers an all natural treatment solution for respiratory and skin problems. All three businesses operate as Dba's under Total Well Resources, LLC. She is also a radio show host on www.ctrnetwork.com/embracechange, hosting "Embrace change with Kate & Michelle". She is a speaker, writer and event facilitator. ![]() EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping, as it is frequently called, is both a therapy modality and a self-help technique which uses light pressure in the form of gentle tapping on the acupressure meridians while focusing attention to neutralize negatives. It was started by Gary Craig in 1992, based on research from Dr. Ronald Callahan and his TFT and other work in the field of Energy Psychology. Gary Craig thought that all of the physical and emotional problems or illness people experience were created by blockages in the energy flow through our bodies. This is similar to ideas behind Traditional Chinese Medicine. He related this as very similar to the way electricity flows through a circuit. If there is a blockage or disruption the electrical circuitry does not work and will short out. EFT is a system and methodology for dealing with this and is used to neutralize negatives. EFT can be approached from the emotional side, physical side or doing something called, "Tap and Talk", where the client simply taps while talking and relating a story or experience. By emotional side, I mean that you could, for example, work on feeling anxious. By physical side, it means you could work on physical pain or discomfort that you are feeling, such as tension or pain in your shoulders (resulting from anxiety). I like to work from the physical side when possible, because it is usually specific and easy to pinpoint. This is called "Chasing the Pain". How it works is -- you tap on the pain and it will eventually lessen and subside. There is a distraction element to this. It has been found that it will usually move to a different location and you then continue to tap on each location, usually moving downward. The theory is that eventually the pain will move down to the feet and flow out of the body. They have found, amazingly, - that when the pain flows out of the body, the emotional issue associated with it is also gone. And, in reverse, when you work from the emotional side, the physical pain or discomfort will also be gone. The "Talk and Tap" works similarly, but tends to be less specific and therefore can take longer, but can be very cathartic for the client. So, what exactly is the process? You start by setting up the tapping session. You tap 4-7 times gently on what they call the "Karate Chop Point" located on the soft fleshy outer edge of the hand. At the same time, you repeat, "Even though I have pain in my shoulders and upper back (if you are doing Chasing the Pain), I deeply and completely accept myself!". After 4-7 taps, repeating those same words, you go to the second tapping point, which is the meridian on the top of the head, then inner edge of eye brow, outer edge of eye brow, under the eye, under the nose, under the chin, under the collar bone, under the armpit (all at meridian point) (see diagram below). You keep doing this tapping and repetition until the pain or the issue subsides - checking in with where you are on an intermittent basis. I love EFT (Tapping) used in conjunction with other therapies, as it gives the client relief and also, a tool they can use while you are getting to the triggers and resolving issues. It can be used without the client ever talking about their story or initial traumas and can be used with very private issues without the therapist ever even knowing the details. Re-traumatization, which can be a factor in PTSD, can also be avoided. There are other and more advanced techniques in EFT, such as, 9-gamut, and matrix reimprinting, but here I just wanted to give you a basic overview and understanding of how and why EFT works and has become a standard modality for working with clients on a variety of issues. It can seem a little weird at first, but has a high success rate and since it can also be done at home by the client, as a self-help tool, it has gained great popularity. ![]() There are many online resources and videos on EFT (tapping) that you can watch and get a good idea of how it is done. Anyone can do tapping and you might want to give it a try by linking to one of those resources, https://www.emofree.com/ http://www.eftuniverse.com/free-videos-2 , http://www.Thetappingsolution.com/ . A trained EFT practitioner can be helpful in guiding clients through issues and resolving specific problems quickly and permanently. I find it has become a regular part of my work with clients and an addition to coaching, hypnotherapy, NLP and sometimes, Reiki. Have a bright and beautiful day and tap into the positive side of life! |
Blog By Kate Olson Kate is a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner & Trainer, Reiki Master, Energy Healer, Life Coach and more. To find out more about her or her work, click the links below:
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Living in Joyful Resilience: A Roadmap for Navigating Life's Ups & Downs & Simple Soul Thoughts : Collecting Moments of Joy www.joyfulkate.com About the Blog After 4 years of featuring at least 1 guest Author a month this blog changed in 2020. I loved featuring the posts of other great people who also believe in mind, body, spirit wellness. I will continue to feature articles submitted to me on this topic that align with my own mission. However, finding & reaching out to others is time consuming and I do it for my radio show, Soul Talks and other groups and projects and so for this blog i will be ramping up my own posts and perspective. posting mostly my own blogs. I will be happy & excited to post articles from those who submit them to me. Archives
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